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Summary Dangerous Wastes (Hazardous Wastes)

Wastes requiring special monitoring, listed according to EWC numbers
Cur. no. EWC no. Waste designations for aqueous wastes and photo chemicals
2.1 060106 Other acids
2.2 090101 Water-based developer and activator solutions
2.3 090104 Fixed solutions
2.4 060205 Pickling bases
2.5 070101 Aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors
Cur. no. EWC no. Waste designations for solvents/still bottoms
2.6 070103 Organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors
2.7 070104 Other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors (insoluble in water)
Cur. no. EWC no. Waste designations for oil wastes
2.9 120109 Machining emulsions and solutions free of halogen
2.10 130208 Other engine, gear and lubricating oils
2.11 150202 Absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and protective clothing contaminated by dangerous substances - here ÖVB
Cur. no. EWC no. Waste designations for solid wastes
2.12a 150202 Absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and protective clothing contaminated by dangerous substances - here VB
2.12b 170204 Contaminated broken glass, small glass containers containing or contaminated by dangerous substances
2.12c   Flat and broken laboratory glass – not contaminated
2.12d   Scalpels, syringes, cannulas, needles, pipettes and other pointed objects
Cur. no. EWC no. Waste designation for wastes to be disposed of separately
2.13 160507 Spent inorganic chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous substances
2.14 160508 Spent organic chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous substances
2.15 none Various small quantities and others
2.16 none Laboratory waste water for treatment
2.17 070208 Reaction residue and still bottoms (vials – waste containing scintillation waste in plastic vials)